Thursday, February 26, 2009

I may not be learning anything, but at least I'm getting SOMETHING out of my classes.....

I started drawing in Stats this morning, and by the end of the day, this is what had come out. I clearly have a very convoluted one track mind. Have fun trying to make sense of it!

Note: click on picture to see a bigger version of it.

Here are some links that might help you make a little more sense of what is up there........

Some other useful things:
Nichole Nordeman's song "Fool for You"
1 Corinthians 13:13
Isaiah 40:31
Matthew 28:19-20
Romans 5:3-5

Also, I can't find my Relient K shirt........I think it's at home.........Sad day :-(

1 comment:

  1. I really love your drawing. The line in it that stood out to me was "take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord, to thee". Not only do I love that song, but God put that song and the idea of being consecrated on my heart this past summer. It's interesting now when I think of it because it was almost easier to be consecrated and set apart over the summer because I was surrounded by people who were different from me. Now, as I am at Anderson University, it is definitely more of a struggle for me to be consecrated because I easily get caught in the motions. Everyone here is the same as me. Maybe this is a tad of an exaggeration, but for the most part we are mostly white, upper middle class Christians born into christian families, living are lives as if we are entitled to another day in this cozy, comfortable, stagnant place. I am still learning how to be consecrated in this place and I'm so thankful for the reminder in your drawing. I am so thankful for your friendship and that you are being inspired and moved by God. I am praying that you can continue to trust God with every detail of your life and I ask that you would do the same for me. What a wonderful savior we serve. Praise be to God, the Almighty, the King of Creation.
